Monday, June 9, 2014

TOW #30: Letter to a new APELC student

Dear New APELC Student,

Welcome to Junior Year and the wonderful world of AP courses! You’ve

probably walked into Mr. Yost’s room today feeling a bit intimidated by the

mountain of a year that lies before you; especially since you’ve opted to take the

widely-feared Eleventh Grade AP English. Well, you have the right to be a bit

nervous, as Junior Year is the cornerstone of your high school career. However,

I’m going to tell you today that if you’ve come into the year (and specifically this

classroom) focused and ready to improve yourself, you will be absolutely fine.

Since you’ve decided to take AP English this year, it probably means that

you’re the type of student who received high A’s and A+’s each marking period of 9th

and 10th

 grade English. One thing to be prepared for as you begin this course is that

you will likely not receive the grades that you’re used to receiving in an English

class. The nature of this course being an AP requires a definite shift in the mindset of

a student transitioning from Honors English classes. But this is no reason to be

discouraged. When you inevitably start out the year receiving grades that are lower

than you’re used to, use this as motivation to improve yourself rather than a cause

for giving up on the class. If you stay motivated and continue giving assignments like

timed essays and short quizzes your full attention, they will undoubtedly get easier

as the year goes on.

Another major thing that people feared last year coming into AP English was

the thought of taking the exam in May. If you’re anything like I was at the beginning

of Junior Year, a three hour long exam that includes hand-writing three full length

essays seems impossible. Rest assured though, by the end of the year you will be so

prepared for the exam that it won’t even seem like anything out of the ordinary. The

daily trials of this class will improve your writing and analysis skills, prepare you for

any arduous future testing occasion, and maybe even end up getting you credit to

put towards college. Overall, you’ve made a really good choice in choosing to take

this class. It is one of my favorites that I’ve ever taken. Keep a positive outlook this

year, don’t be afraid to ask for help, and stay focused. You’ll be fine.

Good Luck,

Abby Ponticello

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